Image search results - "varig" |

VARIG_747-300_PP-VOA_LAX_0897_JP_small.jpgKODACHROME 64 SLIDE









VARIG_747-300_PP-VNH_MIAMI_0113K_JP_small.jpgPan Am training facility in Miami

LUFTHANSA_A340-200_D-AIGA_JFK_0398_JP_small1.jpgKodachrome 64 slide





VARIG_MD11_AEROLINEAS_A340_MIA_0105_JP_small1.jpgVarig MD11 and Aerolineas A340 resting at J Overflow at MIA until that night's departure to Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires, respectively




VARIG_747-300_PP-VOB_JFK_1098_JP_small.jpgI'm sorry that the watermark is so awful on white fuselages
Kodachrome 64 slide

VARIG_MD11_PP-VQH_JFK_JP_small.jpgKodachrome 64 slide


VARIG_MD11_PP-VPP_JFK_1298_JP_small.jpgKodachrome 64 slide

VARIG_747-300_PP-VNH_MIAMI_0113P_JP_.jpgThe beautiful cockpit simulator of Varig 747-300 PP-VNH

VARIG_767-200_PP-VNN_MIA_0196_JP_small.jpgVarig 767 & 747 rest before their next assignments to Brazil
Kodachrome 64 slide

VARIG_747-300_PP-VNH_MIAMI_0113L_JP_small.jpgThis is a simulator of Varig 747-300. Shown out of the windscreen is JFK's runway 31R

VARIG_MD11_PP-VTJ_JFK_1204_JP_small.jpgConcourse B @ Terminal 4 on an ice-cold winter evening

VARIG_777-200_PP-VRC_MIA_0205_JP_small.jpgShown in this photo is Concourse J in February 2005 as construction was well under way

AMERICAN_727-200_N895AA_JFK_0191_JP_small.jpgAmerican 727-200 departs on runway 4L. In the background we see the new tower at JFK under construction. On the IAB ramp we have two El Al 747-200's, Air France Concorde, Varig 747-300, Zambia DC10
Kodachrome 64 slide

VARIG_747-300_PP-VQB_JFK_1195_JP_small.jpgHere is why I wish I bit the bullet and bought better equipment in the early 90's when I started getting serious about aviation photography (although in my early 20's it was hard to justify spending big $$ on a lens). Here is a great 4L departure shot at JFK- and the slide is soft because I was using sub-par lenses. You live and learn...
Kodachrome 64 slide

VARIG_MD11_PP-VTK_MIA_0105_JP_small.jpgVarig MD11, Aerolineas Argentinas A340 and Falcon Air 727 are parked at J Concourse while it was still under construction

VARIG_767-300_PP-VPV_JFK_0702_MAIN_JP_small.jpgVarig 767-300 at gate 25, Varig MD11 at gate 27 in this July 2002 photo taken from the 7th floor of JFK tower at about 9pm

VARIG_747-300_PP-VOA_JFK_1196_JP_MAIN_small.jpgTaken before the "digital" era, this is a Kodachrome 64 slide that I shot from JFK tower

KUWAIT_A340-300_9K-ANC_JFK_0602_JP_small.jpgNice overview from the 7th floor of JFK tower on a summer evening

VARIG_MD11_PP-VQL_JFK_0604_JP_small.jpgVarig MD11 at gate 25 as seen from the 7th floor of JFK tower

VARIGLOG_DC10F_PP-VMU_MIA_0108_JP_small.jpgI uploaded this photo on this day because yesterday, Varig Log ceased operations... Too bad.

ATI_VARIG_MEXICANA_ATLAS_MIA_1211_JP_small.jpgWhat a gorgeous selection of airplanes and color schemes. First we have an ATI DC8, followed by a Varig 767-200, a Mexicana 767-300 and finally with only the tail showing is an Atlas Air 747F

varig777PP-VRB_JFK_0604.jpgOne of the great airilines that is no longer with us..

varig777_PP-VRA_jfk__0604.jpgShame that Varig is no longer with us..

nig742_tfabaJOEPRIES1.jpg3 relics in this photo, Nigeria 747 (leased at the time from Air Atlanta Icelandic, Biman Bangladesh DC10 and Varig MD11. On top left is Southeast MD80

fly757EI-DUAmia1009.jpgVery classy looking color scheme for this new carrier out of Russia. This 757-200 was previously operated by Iberia as EC-GZY, VARIG as PP-VTQ and Air Union/Krasair with the same EI-DUA registration

varig777folllowme0705JFK.jpgThis is what a "follow me" looks like. Varig 777 needed follow me (I forget the reason) to the gate and is seen here following on taxiway Bravo Bravo. My good friend Dave Kaufman is at the wheel

varigmd11PP-VPJlax1204.jpgTypically, aircraft landing on the north side of LAX use 24R, however, when there is no takeoff traffic on 24L (as seen with this Varig MD11), ATC will transition landing traffic to 24L to avoid having to land and hold short (LAHSO is the acronym used by the FAA) 24L plus save some taxi time & fuel consumption


varig777pp-vrflax1204.jpgThe 777 as been sold to Varig, hence the PP-VRF registration, no titles and half-blacked out United symbol on the tail. The 777 just landed on runway 25L and is slowly taxiing on the highspeed before stopping for departing United 747-400 on runway 25R

varigmd11ppvtkjfk0105.jpgVarig MD11 rests on hardstand at terminal 4 after night flight from Brazil

varigmd11ppvtj1204.jpgOverview of concourse B at terminal 4 in addition to taxiways Kilo and KiloKilo between terminal 4 and Delta's terminal 3.

jetphotosvarigmd11ppvtj.jpgStarting engines in Alaska winter type weather

ppvoq.jpgAnother classy color scheme that is sorely missed!
Kodachrome 64 Slide