Image search results - "geminiaircargo" |


geminimd11n705gcjfk502jpavnet.jpgThis Gemini Air Cargo MD11 is in a hybrid color scheme. The yellow stripe was previously utilized by Cielos Del Peru and when Cielos went belly up and gave the airplane back to Gemini, the yellow stripe stayed (at least when this photo was taken)

emassJFK22L.jpgAnother photo most people don't get to see and appreciate what is in the photo. This is EMAS (Engineered materials arrestor system) at the end of runway 22L (there is another one at the other end of 22L which is same runway 4R). EMAS is supposed to slow down and eventually stop an airplane that cannot stop under it's own power. EMAS has already saved 3 airplanes that I'm aware of at JFK; an American Eagle Saab340, a Polar Air 747F and I think it was a Gemini MD11F