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VGAIR_A330-200_OO-SFQ_0802DS_JP_small.jpgJFK-BRU over the North Atlantic FL410



EASTERN_DC7_N836D_OPF_0111A_72_JP_small1.jpgFlight from Opa Local down the coast and back on this fine day flying the beautiful DC7 with Captain Frank Moss and his son


VARIG_747-300_PP-VNH_MIAMI_0113K_JP_small.jpgPan Am training facility in Miami



VGAIR_A330-200_OO-SFQ_BRU_0802A_8_JP_small.jpgDeparted Brussels bound for JFK, now at 15,000 feet and climbing





TUPOLEV_TU-144_CCCP-77112_SINSHEIM_1112_3_JP_small.jpgThis was the one and only Russian "Concorde" that was a complete flop, unforunately

VGAIR_A330-200_OO-SFQ_0802CF_JP_small1.jpgFlyiing jumpseat JFK-BRU crossing the Atlantic as the sun begins to rise. To the left, outside the windscreen is the remains of contrail by American 777-200


VGAIR_A330-200_OO-SFQ_0802AB_JP_smallUPLOADED.jpg#2 on taxiway Papa in this beautiful A330-200 as we prepare to depart for Brussels BRU

VGAIR_A330-200_OO-SFQ_0802CQ_JP_small2.jpg41,000 feet above the Atlantic in the cockpit of Airbus A330-200 flying New York JFK to Brussels BRU


VGAIR_A330-200_OO-SFQ_0802BP_JP_small.jpgOver the North Atlantic at flight level 410 as the sun begins to rise . You can see the contrails from other heavies crossing the Atlantic in front of us


a330cockpit11_JP_smallx.jpgFlying over the North Atlantic as the sun begins to slowly approach the horizon line




CONNIE_N73544_LAX_0301_JP_small.jpgI took this photo when the group Matchbox 20 was filming a video using the airplane as a prop. I do not remember the pilot's name on the right, if you recognize him, please let me know!









VARIG_747-300_PP-VNH_MIAMI_0113P_JP_.jpgThe beautiful cockpit simulator of Varig 747-300 PP-VNH

VARIG_747-300_PP-VNH_MIAMI_0113L_JP_small.jpgThis is a simulator of Varig 747-300. Shown out of the windscreen is JFK's runway 31R

AIRFRANCE_CONCORDE_F-BVFB_SINSHEIM_1112TT_JP_small.jpgYou can't see it in the photo but there is plexiglass between my lens and the cockpit as this Concorde is on display at the Sinsheim museum in Germany. This is the same Concorde I flew from JFK to Detroit (photos on the web site)

VGAIR_A330-200_OO-SFQ_0802_JP_small.jpgMy two most memorable dinners are my birthday & anniversary dinner with my wife at Windows Of The World (restaurant on top floor of the World Trade Center) June 2001, and dinner with these guys at 41,000 feet over the Atlantic 14 months later....

USAIRWAYS_A320_N101UW_CLT_1212B_JP_small.jpgI've been very fortunate to do a lot of neat stuff in my aviation photography career/hobby, but this experience, to be able to land and take off in the A320 simulator is definitely tops! I once again thank the wonderful folks at US Airways for their warm hospitality!

USAIRWAYS_A320_N101UW_CLT_1212C_small.jpgTHIS IS A FLIGHT SIMULATOR ON THE GROUND THAT PILOTS TRAIN IN, NOT A REAL AIRPLANE. You can see the Charlotte skyline in the distance in this A320 simulator animation

AIRFRANCE_CONCORDE_F-BVFB_0599C_JP_MAIN_small.jpgOne of the greatest pleasures of my life in aviation. Riding in the cockpit of the Concorde inflight! Not quite across the Atlantic, it was a positioning flight from JFK to Detroit (yes Detroit), but the price was right- free! Thanks to my friend Joe Wolf who at the time worked for Northwest and worked his magic to make this flight possible for the two of us. I'll be forever grateful Joe!
Kodachrome 64 slide

SWISS_A330-300_HB-JHA_JFK_0409C_JP_small.jpgBeautiful brand new cockpit of Swiss A330-300 HB-JHA, Swiss' newest aircraft type on its first trip to New York JFK

a330cockpit18_JP_small.jpgFlying high at 41,000 feet. Absolutely splendid time sitting jumpseat with these two awesome pilots from New York to Brussels. Note the contrail in the captain's window- that is the same American 777 that was ahead of us on takeoff que at JFK, also crossing the Atlantic. You can see the American 777 ahead of us in the que if you click on the VGAIR hyperlink in Keywords below..

UNITED_777-200_N76021_TLV_0212G_JP_small.jpgBeautiful cockpit of 777-200ER

VGAIR_A330-200_OO-SFQ_JFK_0802_JP_small.jpgIn line on taxiway Papa behind a Delta 767 and American 777 (many airplanes behind us in line) before turning left on Papa Echo and position and hold on rwy 13R for departure to Brussels. Of all the first class flights I've flown over the years, sitting in this jumpseat was better than all of 'em.. That American 777 was in front of us pretty much all the way across the Atlantic..

IMG_3442.jpgFather and son piloting this beautiful vintage DC7 and out of the captain's window we see the Lufthansa A380 being pushed back
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VGAIR_A330-200_OO-SFQ_INTLASPACE_0802_JP__.jpgThis is a 1000 ASA photo and it is not 100% sharp (it looks more sharp than it actually is because it is shown 1000 wide, rather than the original 3072 wide), but worthy of sharing nontheless. I am sitting in the cockpit of this beautiful A330-200 as we are cruising over the Atlantic at 41,000 feet (as seen on the display in the middle of the screen). While it's not quite this dark in the cockpit, it is pretty dark on a non-moonlit sky such as this. An amazing experience indeed, I'll never forget it!

3_dc7cockpitinflight.jpgI didn't really have a chance to take quality cockpit photos so I snapped off this quick one. Note that the captain and co-pilot are a father and son duo. I am told that the number of pilots that can captain a DC7 these days numbers in the single digits. Most of them have unfortunately perished

vgair330OO-SFQ802.jpgView in the cockpit of A330-200 at Flight level 410 (41,000 feet), having recently departed JFK's runway 13R, routing JFK-BRU. Leaving the USA in the evening and watching the sun set behind you is easy on the eyes, however, when the sun comes up again somewhere over the Atlantic it starts to get pretty uncomfortable in the cockpit, sun visors are a must.

SWISS_JFK_0409HBJHAjfk.jpgBrand new cockpit of HB-JHA, Swiss Airlines' first A330-300 resting at gate B27, Terminal 4 after its first flight to JFK from Zurich.

southwest737pilotshou1006.jpgIf you know the FO and captain piloting this WN 737 , send them the URL to this photo please

a330cockpit21.jpgWhat a magical time for an aviation aficionado. Sitting jumpseat with two great guys (both ex-Sabena), watching the sun rise from the East (before blinding us as the flight crews crossing the pond regularly know all too well!), as we cross the Atlantic at flight level 410.

cockpitjfkjp5.jpgCommencing takeoff on runway 13R on our way to BRU after sitting in the que at JFK behind about 20 airplanes which is quite typical for an August early evening